Dear Office, We Miss You.
For a lot of our staff, the SNHA office feels like a second home—a space we rely on to exchange ideas, draw inspiration, and find support in our coworkers.
So as we’ve begun settling into our new norm of working from home and practicing social distancing, we asked our staff, “What do you miss about the office?” and received some great responses—and reminders of all the little things we look forward to sharing again soon.
What do you miss about the office?
“Betsy’s email that lunch is ready in the kitchen.”
“I miss the comfortable chair, big desk, two monitors, and group lunch!”
“I miss walking to work, the pour-over station, having two monitors, and conversations.”
“Smiles, laughs, and Topo Chico.”
“PEOPLE, “fresh” air on my commute, walking, stocked La Croix in the fridge, and wondering what throwback the OneTwoPru DJ will be playing that day.”
“The sunrise.”
‘I miss the calm in the morning, right before everyone comes in and starts asking me questions. I miss the calm at night, the second the HVAC turns off and the office goes super quiet so much so that, that you can hear the traffic outside and the honking from cars, and the “house” music from clubs nearby!”
“I miss our view.”
“My walk to/from the office, view, noise canceling headphones, and PEOPLE!”
“That last vanilla yogurt waiting for me in the fridge.”
“I miss the walk to and from Metra with my headphones on and the music blasting! But most of all, the 100% adult environment!”
“I miss saying, “Good Morning” to everyone when they step off the elevator.”
“I miss visiting the front desk for chocolates every day, the plant corner by the pour-over coffee station, homemade treats in the kitchen, the view of the lake, and spending lunch in the commons with everyone.”
“Wearing pants.”